Юткина Ирина Васильевна

заместитель директора по учебно - воспитательной работе, учитель английского языка
"Зугрэсская средняя школа № 17 г. Харцызска"

Английский язык 9-А и 9-Б классы


31 марта 2023 г. Английский язык 9-А и 9-Б классы

Тема урока – Emergency services.


Цель урока: развитие лексических навыков, активное использование в речи разговорных клише

Good morning, everybody! 

Open your copybooks and write down today’s date:

Friday, the thirty - first of March

Distance learning

In Britain you can dial 999 in emergency situation. You should tell the operator which of the following emergency services you want: fire, police, ambulance, coastguard, mountain rescue or cave rescue.

You should tell the emergency operator:

Ø  the trouble

Ø  the incident scene 

Ø  your contact number

Never make a false call. You risk the lives of others who really need help and it`s against law. 112 is used across the European Union to contact he emergency services.

  • Pay attention to the following word combinations: 
  • Rescue teams-команда спасателей
  • Maritime pollution-загрязнение моря
  • Accident prevention-профилактика аварий
  • Rescue helicopters-спасательные вертолёты
  • Towing ships-буксиры
  • Patrol boats- патрульные катера

The following phrases can be useful for making calls:


Ø  Can I speak to… please?

Можно поговорить с …?

Ø  Could you put me through to…,please?

Не могли бы вы соединить меня с …?



Ø  Just a moment, please.

Подождите минуту, пожалуйста.

Ø  Please, hold on the line.

Пожалуйста, не кладите трубку.

Ø  Stay on the line, please.

Оставайтесь на линии, пожалуйста!



Ø  Would/Could you, please…?

Не могли бы вы …?

Ø  Can I have…?

Можно мне …?

Ø  Please, send help as soon as possible.

Пожалуйста, пришлите помощь как можно скорее.

Ø  Please, come as quickly as you can.

Пожалуйста, приезжайте быстрее.


1. Read the phrases from a telephone conversation. What is it about?

A: Which service do you require?

B: Ambulance, please.

A: Please, hold the line. 

B: The man is lying in the road unconscious.

A: The ambulance will be there as soon as possible.

B: OK, I`ll do that.

2. Listen to the dialogue of ex. 4 p. 109

3. Do ex. 5 p. 109 in your copybooks.


Task for control. 

1. Fill in the words in the right form: emergency, respond, volunteers, service, risk, hold on.

1. People who have who work without money are called _____________. 

2. An operator _____________ the call in the rescue centre.

3. You should dial 999 in _____________ cases.

4. When you make a false call you _____________ the lives of other people who need help at the moment.

5. Which _____________ do you require?

6. Please, _____________the line.

2. Make up a dialogue on the following situation: You see a house on fire. Call an emergency services and ask for the fire service. Report the emergency. Use the dialogue in ex. 4 as a model.


You shouldn’t send anything to me! I’ll check all the tasks at school.

Good luck!


Образец выполнения классной \ домашней работы в тетради:

Classwork Homework

Date (дата полностью)

Distance learning

Ex. ___  p. ___

Date (дата полностью)

Homework (distance learning)

Ex. ___  p. ___




30 марта 2023 г. Английский язык 9-А и 9-Б классы

Тема урока – Fears and Phobias.

Цель урока: развитие лексических навыков: употребление и активное использование в речи идиоматических выражений.

Good morning, everybody! 

Open your copybooks and write down today’s date:

Thursday, the thirtieth of March

Distance learning

Are you afraid of anything? The truth is that most of us are at least a little afraid of something – bees or wasps, for example, the dark or taking exams. So fear is a basic human emotion. In fact, we actually need it to survive.

But fear is not always a good thing. People who have a phobia are extremely afraid of something.

There are phrases related to emotions. Let’s remember them:

·         scream loudly

·         shake like a leaf

·         the heart beats faster

·         legs turn to jelly 

·         feel ashamed 

·         to be laughed at 

·         to be embarrassed 

·         to be depressed

There are different feelings:

·         Sadness – грусть 

·         Depression – депрессия 

·         Embarrassment – смущение 

·         Nervousness – нервозность 

·         Anger – гнев 

·         Fear – страх 

·         Jealousy – зависть 

·         Happiness – счастье 

·         Joy – радость 

There are idioms related to emotions. Let’s remember them.

1.      To be scared to death – быть напуганным до смерти 

2.      To be over the moon – быть безмерно счастливым 

3.      To be green with envy – позеленеть от зависти

4.      To have a long face – выглядеть несчастным 

5.      To have butterflies in the stomach - нервничать

6.      To go bright red – покраснеть 

7.      To go through the roof – сильно разозлиться  


1. Listen to the text of ex. 3 p. 106.


2. Do the following task in your copybooks:

1)      Choose one correct word for the definition “fear of enclosed spaces like lifts or tunnels”.

a)      agoraphobia

b)      claustrophobia

c)      arachnophobia

d)     ablutophobia

2)      Choose one correct word for the definition “fear of being in crowded public spaces”

a)      agoraphobia

b)      claustrophobia

c)      arachnophobia

d)     ablutophobia

3)      Choose one correct word for the definition “fear of spiders”

a)      agoraphobia

b)      claustrophobia

c)      arachnophobia

d)     ablutophobia

4)      Choose one correct word for the definition “fear of washing”

a)      agoraphobia

b)      claustrophobia

c)      arachnophobia

d)     ablutophobia

3. Do ex. 7 (a, b) p. 107 in your copybooks.


Task for control. 

1. Insert the right word (nervous, come, afraid, fight, public, emotion).

·         People who have a phobia are extremely _________ of something.

·         Fear is a negative human _________.

·         We are afraid that our fears will _________ true.

·         We must _________ our fears.

·         Fears and phobias are harmful for our _________ system.

·         You should be in _________ places to avoid fears.


2. Delete the wrong word.

1)      [Anger], [fear], [jealousy], [joy] and [depression] are negative emotions.

2)      When you are afraid you can [scream], [laugh], [sweat], [run away], [freeze].

3)      Snakes make me [shake like a leaf], [disappear], [freeze], [stop], [sing].

4)      Phobias can develop after a very [scary], [frightening], [pleasant], [dangerous] experience.


You shouldn’t send anything to me! I’ll check all the tasks at school.

Good luck!


Образец выполнения классной \ домашней работы в тетради:

Classwork Homework

Date (дата полностью)

Distance learning

Ex. ___  p. ___

Date (дата полностью)

Homework (distance learning)

Ex. ___  p. ___



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